cycle syncing

Why you need to try cycle syncing!

Have you ever heard of cycle syncing? I know I hadn’t until I started working in the fertility and hormones space.

As women, we are susceptible to the flow of our menstrual cycle. This means that the level of hormones in our bodies at a given time can dictate things like how we feel, how much energy we have, creativity output, and more. It sounds like we are at the mercy of our cycle, but the truth is that if we learn to sync up with the phases of our cycle rather than let it pull us around- then amazing things can happen! When we support our body instead of fighting its natural processes, we find that we hold the power to create healthy change and lead the life we desire!

If this sounds a little ambitious or confusing, don’t worry- I’m going to break down for you what cycle syncing is and how it works!

What is cycle syncing?

As I mentioned above cycle syncing is just a way of harmonizing with your body based on where you are in your menstrual cycle. Your body/activities/etc SYNC with the flow of your hormones. 

For example, during your period you are more tired and need more rest. So instead of fighting through it and going to an all-day educational seminar where you’ll be forced to focus, learn, and conversate, you actually stay home and enjoy reading or some light walking. 

The key is to become familiar with the 4 phases of your cycle and what type of support each phase requires or what feeling each phase might elicit. For more in-depth info on the phases of the menstrual cycle, you can check out this article, but if you are already familiar with them we will keep trucking along. 

cycle syncing

Here’s an easy breakdown of each phase and how you might feel:

Menstrual: low energy, needs rest

Follicular: a little more active and connect with partner/loving

Ovulatory: high energy, ready to accomplish big physical tasks

Luteal: energy is coming back down but you’re feeling social and strong

So knowing these things about each phase you see how you could schedule events, plan important projects, or simply not guilt yourself if you don’t feel up to doing something depending on when it falls. 

Other things to consider when you are cycle syncing are 

  • What you eat or what nutrients you need ( i.e. during your period you’ll need more iron)
  • How you’ll exercise or what type of movement is most beneficial
  • What you need emotionally ( time with friends or time alone)

In this accompanying article here, I talk about what you need specifically at each stage and how to properly cycle sync!

Why is cycle syncing important?

Cycle syncing is important because we are working towards feeling our best and balancing our hormones. Cycle syncing leads to less stress on the body, less emotional stress, and helps our body heal and thrive as it’s genetically made to do!

For example, if we are doing HIIT training during our menstrual phase, we are putting more stress and cortisol into our system. If our body is working hard to make cortisol then it can’t make other hormones needed such as progesterone. The natural flow is messed up and you start to have annoying symptoms and side effects which guess what, create even more stress. 

This way of knowing your body and what it needs is especially important for fertility purposes because it will help you know when to time intercourse and also allow your hormones to run their natural course.

Cycle Syncing and the Moon

Did you know that your menstrual cycle is associated with the cycle of the moon? Pretty cool right?

An average menstrual cycle is anywhere from 21-33ish days. In school, we are taught the average is 28 days, which ironically is about the same length as the lunar phase. 

Some scientists believe there is no correlation, while others can confirm there is. I personally think it makes total sense since the gravitational pull of the moon affects tides. And we all know full moons affect everything and everyone! 

I could link quite a few studies that say it’s true, while also linking studies that say there’s no correlation or it’s just a coincidence. I’ll let you decide for yourself, but I think it’s at least fun to know what category you fall into! 

As you are doing your cycle charting, notice the day you start your period AND where the moon is at in its own cycle. I found these moon categories on Healthline and thought I’d share so you can see what color moon woman you are!

White moon woman- start period on the new moon and ovulate on the full moon ( fertile and reflective qualities)

Red moon woman – start period on the full moon ( passionate and outgoing)

Pink moon woman – start period on waxing moon ( time of transition)

Purple moon woman – start period on the waning moon ( associated with healing)

I’m personally a white moon woman!

What category do you fall in? Tell us in the comments!

If you are trying to balance your hormones or struggling to get pregnant, then cycle syncing will be a big help to you! You can grab my free Simple Cycle Charting Guide to help you track the different phases of your cycle and specifically your fertile window!


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